Monday, September 21, 2009


So today was the start of week 2 in Kansas! This last weekend me and 2 girls I met here took a lil roadtrip to Tulsa! We did lots of shopping and went to the hard rock for some gambling! We actually had a really good time! I am missing home... but only 4 more days! They have amazing fried chicken here in Pittsburg, KS and we went to Missouri and had even more fried food! I am certain that I've put on a good 10 lbs on this trip.
I am really excited about starting back to work... I should have a busy few weeks till I get into the swing of things. I have learned SSSSOOOO much- matter of fact I am convinced I should advertise something in the yellow pages and I have nothing to offer or sale. ha!

My baby brother was crowned homecoming king last week and I am a little sad I missed that...
My grandparents were in town, missed them too! AND Madden took 2 steps!!

So in a nut shell... I am missing my boys terribly, getting lots of uninterrupted sleep, had a few rita's, learned more that I ever thought I could in a week and a half, and I am trying to enjoy this crazy Kansas rain!

Also the day I got here I got some weird news from the doc. I had an MRI done recently and they spotted some brain swelling and fluid. Not sure the cause,but no tumor was spotted- whew! But if ya done mind say a lil prayer. If I believe in one things its the power or prayer! God is Good. Crossing the fingers that its not Chiari. Im going to be super positive between now and the next dr appt. We shall see!

Have a good week and SEE YA FRIDAY MIDLAND!!

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