Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Few pics from some summer getaways! Cant believe summer is OVER! We took my cousins and nephew to Sea World a few weeks ago! (Right after Abby's arrival). I think Jimmy and I had more fun than the little ones.

This last weekend we had a great time in Vegas celebrating Kolton's 18th bday! We went to Criss Angels "Believe" show which was AWESOME! I didnt know much about him, but Jimmy is a big fan- so we went to check it out! The first few days after being home Madden was super clingy. He had no idea what was going on. Mommy was gone and he started going to the sitter.
Mr Madden will be 10 month tomorrow. He is having tubes put in his ears next Friday- I cannot wait!

Oh- We are walking for Diabetes October 17th! Join our walk team! It will be Madden's first year to walk... well stroll! ha Its lots of fun and 1 in 3 children are affected by this disease... so it's important!

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