Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mommy and Daddy!

Ok, so...I either hear- WOW Madden looks exactly like Kolton and your dad, or he looks exactly like Jimmy?! So i thought it would be fun to post some baby pics of us...
You be the Judge! (Top 2 are Jimmy, then me, then Kolton)
I'm off to watch the Madden boy sleep for a bit- thats my favorite thing. God bless you sleepy eyes:)


  1. oh my gosh was Kevin ever young there!!! makes me feel OLD. but back to the question at hand. Madden has koltons facial expressions, Jimmy's forehead, and your eyes. The little guy got the best of all of you. and he is getting so BIG. God bless all of you, and love ya lots

  2. I still say that he looks just like Kolton!! Let's just hope that he acts like him too.
